Online accounting is a cloud-based Internet service with a paid set of tools. With their help, you can generate primary documentation, send a report to the tax and off-budget funds in electronic form. The service can work as an outsourcing or as a self-service. Specify in the contract. It depends on who is responsible for mistakes. 

The online accounting is for a very specific target. As a general rule, these are VSEs (Very Small Enterprises) or SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises). Indeed, larger companies do not use these online solutions , most of the time relying on accounting management solutions or integrated management software (ERP): which embeds all the processes ( purchases, supplies, commercial management, cash flow, fixed assets, automatic integration of accounting entries in the accounts ).

There are many advantages to keeping an online bookkeeping. An accounting on the internet is a quick and simple solution to implement: quick registration, intuitive handling of the solution, no application installation, updates performed by the software publisher, an interface accessible 24 / 24h at your convenience.

In addition, your accounts are accessible on the go: anywhere at any time, as long as you have an internet connection. It is not necessary to have a computer, because the developers also realize the tool in mobile version. The choice to use an online accounting solutions also less expensive than buying a classic license. 

One of the main advantages of cloud-based accounting is the low cost of the process. There are no costs for maintaining your own server, wages of a system administrator and purchasing licensed software. All these troubles fall on the shoulders of the service. An entrepreneur only needs to connect online accounting, after which he can immediately start working with it.

Another equally important advantage is the simplicity of online financial document management. This process does not require special skills and knowledge, all actions are performed through a clear interface. Moreover, individual online accounting services can be integrated into other resources, such as an online bank, making it easier to work with them. 

One cannot fail to note such a strong side as relevance. Any changes that occur in the field of accounting or related to taxes are almost immediately reflected in the online accounting department. Software developers closely follow the innovations and promptly make adjustments to the functionality of the services.
Summarizing the above, the following advantages of online accounting can be distinguished: 
  • No significant costs;
  • Ease of document management;
  • Relevance of software; 
  • Maximum mobility;
  • Reliable data protection. 
In all fairness, it should be noted that online accounting is not perfect and has its weak point. It is the technical implementation of the process. No one can guarantee uptime, and technical failures sometimes happen. 
If this happens while working with documents, there is a high probability of data loss. However, serious services take responsibility for technical failures and do their best to minimize them. The degree of responsibility is prescribed in the contract.

So there are no absolutely free services for online accounting. And it can't be. But every developer in the line of commercial products necessarily has a certain bonus component: a free trial period of use (sometimes quite significant), or a minimum free tariff, or a line of free consulting assistance to customers.

Online accountants are on average cheaper than local accountants for 4 main reasons:
  • A "paperless" organization that generates 20% to 30% savings in the processing time of your accounting and tax documents.
  • An establishment on the outskirts of provincial towns, where rents and salaries are cheaper.
  • The internet use to eliminate travel time and hidden costs.
  • The use of innovative tools which allow their clients to carry out themselves and very easily some of the work with low added value (score banking operations, etc.).
The savings realized by companies that switch from their traditional accountant to an online accountant can sometimes reach 40% of their annual recurring accounting budget.

To feel comfortable with an online accountant, you must first feel comfortable with the idea of exchanging by email, phone or web conference.
As for trust, it will build over time. You can nevertheless try to meet him at least once, to see his offices, the quality of his installations and the profile of the people who will take charge of the follow-up of your company. 
To facilitate a good relationship and benefit from reduced prices, remember that you will have to comply with fairly strict procedures that will allow your online accountant to follow the evolution of your business in real time. And thus better advise you.


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